I need Clarity

Patches of light to deep brown visible on the skin, tea-bag stains.

Dark or uneven patches above lips on cheekbones, forehead hands and neck.

Sun-damaged uneven, speckled neck and decolletage.


Morning and Evening
Aqueous Melt Cleanser

Pollution Solution
Hydration Consultant

Cellular Pigmentation Rejuvenation
Hydration Consultant
Eye Specialist

Morning Treatment

PS Pollution Solution
To a cleansed skin, Apply 2-3 pumps of PS in an upwards direction from bustline to hairline. Apply any residual product to the back of the hands. (Always use an effective SPF)

HC Hydration Consultant
After PS immediately apply Hydration Consultant from décolletage to hairline to boost hydration and seal in the serums actives.

Skin Project by Doctors Skin Changer Tip
1-2 times a week, skip your serum. Instead, after cleansing apply a thick layer of Hydration Consultant to face and décolletage. 


CPR Cellular Pigmentation Rejuvenation
Gently remove all traces of make-up and or grime and oil. Apply 2-4 pumps of CPR from bustline to hairline. If you have darker patches of pigmentation or discolouration, take a further 2-3 pumps and apply directly to dark patches/tea bag stains age spots/ uneven skin tone. Use for a minimum of 6-12 weeks. Apply any residual product to the back of the hands.

HC Hydration Consultant
After CPR, immediately apply Hydration Consultant from décolletage to hairline to boost hydration and seal in the serums actives.

ES Eye Specialist
Take 1-2 pumps of Eye Specialist and apply in gentle upwards strokes to upper eyelid just below the brow. Apply Eye Specialist directly to crows-feet, lines and wrinkles at the side and below eye. Gently tap onto dark circles and bags below the eye avoiding direct contact with inner lids and tear line.

Skin Project by Doctors Skin Changer Tip
1-2 nights a week, skip your serum. Instead, after cleansing apply a thick layer of Hydration Consultant to face and décolletage. Drift to sleep and let the Hydration begin!

Once happy with your newly radiant even skin, continue to use CPR to maintain the results and benefits. Once prone to pigmentation, your skin needs reminding how to be clear and beautiful. Apply any residual product to the back of the hands.

Morning & Evening

AM Aqueous Melt
Dampen skin (unless using as a masque) apply 2-3 pumps of AM from neckline to hairline, massaging gently to begin melting and lifting makeup dirt and grime. Take a soft face cloth to remove all traces of AM, or simply rinse away under the shower.

Skin Project by Doctors Skin Changer Tip
2-3 times a week.
Apply Aqueous Melt from bust line up and all over the face as soon as you step into your shower (or bath). Whilst you cleanse your body, allow the multi-tasking cleansing masque to deep clean and exfoliate. Rinse before conclusion of shower and enjoy a day of perfected smooth and glowing skin that needs less make-up because the best cosmetic is great looking skin.

Have the peace of mind, knowing The Skin Project is Formulated by Doctors, and comes with a Money back Guarantee. Plus delivery is free.